People’s experiences with the Heartburn Health Check

The Heartburn Health Check with EndoSign® is a simple and quick capsule sponge test that helps your doctor to assess the health of your oesophagus.

People’s experiences of Heartburn Health Check

Quick and convenient

The test takes less than 10 minutes with no need for sedation (medicine to help you relax or put you to sleep).

Easy and

Most people find the test to be comfortable and painless. After the test, you can carry on with your day as normal.

Less invasive alternative

The test is a simple alternative to endoscopy and can be carried out in your GP surgery or any office like setting.

Rosie’s story

Rosie, from Suffolk, had suffered from heartburn for several years. She was referred to an endoscopy unit for further investigation. Instead of an endoscopy, she had a capsule sponge test, like the one used in the Heartburn Health Check. She tells us about her experience.

Before the test

“I’d had heartburn for a couple of years. It was causing me pain and waking me up in the middle of the night. 
My GP referred me to endoscopy services at West Suffolk Hospital who booked me in for a test. I was given some information about what to expect and what I had to do, including not to eat anything for 4 hours before the appointment. I knew I wasn’t going to be sedated, so that was a relief, and I was able to go to the hospital on my own.
When I got there, I was asked some general questions about my health and the nurse explained the procedure.”

During the test

“I sat on a chair and the nurse put the capsule and thread on my tongue. I swallowed and it went down my throat ok with a drink of water.
It’s a bit odd to have a piece of thread coming out of your mouth, but the nurse chatted to me while we waited, and I felt pretty comfortable. The nurse set a timer for how long it took for the capsule to dissolve in my stomach. When it went off, the nurse gently pulled the thread and I could feel the sponge coming up. I was nervous I might gag, but it wasn’t painful and it only lasted a couple of seconds.
The nurse said the sponge and my cells would be sent to a laboratory for testing. I felt quite thirsty afterwards, but the nurse said I could have a drink as usual.
It was a very efficient procedure. Nothing was dragged out or unnecessary. It was all positive.”

After the test

“About 4 weeks after the test, I had a follow up call with my GP. It was a relief to find out that the results had come back normal and they’d found nothing serious. My GP sent me a copy of the test results and I got a letter from the hospital as well.
I felt good afterwards. I didn’t have to go for more tests, but my medication was changed and I have since felt much better.
I never thought my heartburn was sinister, but the life changes I had made were becoming an issue and getting checked couldn’t have gone more smoothly.”

Wider process

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